What will the sea look like in 2120?

What will the sea look like in 2120?

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Aim in ECOnnect is to create a concrete picture of how climate change affects the underwater nature in the central Gulf of Bothnia and Kvarken within the next 100 years. We also analyse how the area’s important ecosystem services might change and how habitats are connected with each other. No similar comprehensive study has been carried out before about the future of marine life in the Kvarken area.

The information produced by ECOnnect is aimed specifically at the authorities along the coasts of Kvarken, as it helps community planning to adapt and cope with global warming. The authorities’ information package will include comprehensive final reports as well as data on the SeaGIS map portal.

The story of the future of the Gulf of Bothnia will also be told in upcoming videos, animations and a story map. All residents and actors in Ostrobothnia, Southern Ostrobothnia, Västerbotten and Västernorrland, as well as other friends of the Baltic Sea, will benefit from this visual package. Videos published so far can be found on ECOnnect’s YouTube channel.

Learn more about the project ECOnnect in this video!

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