Ecological connectivity

The linkage between habitats, or ecological connectivity, is of great importance for the survival of species. The possibility to disperse to new areas, especially if existing habitats become compromised, may be a matter of survival for animal and plant species. Climate change will affect the environment which will likely change both the distribution and frequency of habitats. Connectivity is therefore of great importance when trying to understand the effects of climate change on both the distribution of habitats and species that live there.

Ecological connectivity is also fundamental when establishing long-term, viable networks of protected areas. Connectivity increases the resiliency of species by creating opportunities for species to recuperate in the event of large-scale, ecological disturbances. 

This project aims to analyze the current (2020) and future (2120) connectivity of marine habitats, species, and protected areas by using different climate change scenarios. These analyzes will be based on habitat mapping of current and predicted distribution of important or fragile underwater biotopes, species and networks of protected areas.

A map of the coastlines of Sweden and Finland, where the connectivity between marine habitats and protected areas is presented with different colours.